Railway Mechanics

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Minecarts and rails have had multiple reworks and changes done within Better Beta. Some of these changes more complex than others. The reworks were only possible thanks to highspeed rails and rail destinations.

Highspeed Rail

Highspeed Rail is a simple mod, what it does is increase the max Minecart speed by (CHECK MAX CONFIG SPEED AND PUT IT HERE) when the rail is built on top of gravel. This does not change the acceleration rate however, meaning you will require more powered rails to reach the max speed. Minecarts will slowdown however when faced with turns or inclines or declines. Be sure to keep the railway as straight as possible if you are wanting to achieve max speed.

This mod also disables ice boats, making transportation more balanced and encourages other methods of transportation such as rails.

Rail Destinations

The Rail Destinations mod allows for railways that have intersections. This may sound complicated but the way in which it is implemented makes it simpler than ever.


Type /dest destination where destination is the place where you want to go. You can also input multiple destinations /dest "destination1 destination2" this can be useful for taking a route via specific junctions, Rail Destinations will route players towards signs that contain either destination1 or destination2.


  1. Place a sign one block above a detector rail.
  2. The first line must be [destination] or [!destination] which will activate the rail if a player's destination is not on the sign.
  3. The second, third and fourth lines can be destination names.
  4. When a player passes over the detector rail, it will only activate and emit redstone if a player set their destination as any of the three on the sign.
Railway junction demonstration 1
Railway junction demonstration 2


Since intersections follow the south-east rule a redstone inverter will need to made to direct the rail in the other direction.

Railway inverter demonstration