Wandering Trader

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Since villager trades have been completely removed in their entirety, Wandering Traders have been reworked to balance this out and provide a balanced and fair system.

New Trades

Due to villagers being gone, therefore emeralds being harder to get apart from loot. The wandering trader will now buy somethings off of you for a small amount of emeralds, This allows the player to obtain emeralds still through trading whilst not being exploitable.

Since some of the eyes required in End Remastered are unobtainable by default due to world gen differences or features being disabled, the wandering trader will now have a chance to sell unobtainable eyes to the player for a high amount of emeralds.

Wandering Trader Trades

Below are a list of the new trades that the wandering trader offers.

Item wanted Quantity Item given Quantity
emerald 3 coco beans 3
emerald 3 bamboo 5
hay block 8 emerald 1
diamond 16 emerald 1
echo shard 1 emerald 4
emerald 32 cryptic eye 1
redstone block 12 emerald 2
emerald 32 rogue eye 1
emerald 32 evil eye 1

Wandering Collector

The wandering trader is another huge part of this rework, allowing players to buy back "lost" items thanks to wandering collector. lost items count as items that the player has lost via death, despawn, lava, and any means of losing items after death.

Key Info

This mod takes into account multiple factors when the wandering trader is deciding the price and what to sell back to the player, the key pieces of information are as follows:

  • The trader will only remember the last 64 lost items
  • The items sold will be random
  • Will only sell a max of 2 items at a time
  • The minimum price of a lost item will be 25 emeralds
  • The maximum price will be 64 emeralds
  • The price will scale with stack count